
If you are developer here you can find a bunch of snippets provided by Members plugin

Checking if the current user has a capability

In plugins and your theme template files, you might sometimes need to check if the currently logged in user has permission to do something. We do this by using the WordPress function current_user_can(). The basic format looks like this:

<?php if ( current_user_can( 'capability_name' ) ) echo 'This user can do something'; ?>

For a more practical situation, let’s say you created a new capability called read_pages. Well, you might want to hide the content within your page.php template by adding this:

<?php if ( current_user_can( 'read_pages ' ) ) : ?> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php endif; ?>

Only users with a role that has the read_pages capability will be able to see the content.

Checking if a user has a role

Before beginning, I want to note that you really shouldn’t do this. It’s better to check against capabilities. However, for those times when you need to break the rules, you can do so like:

if ( members_user_has_role( $user_id, $role ) )

Or, you can check against the current user:

if ( members_current_user_has_role( $role ) )

Need the old user levels system?

Some plugins and themes might rely on the old user level system in WordPress. These were deprecated in WordPress version 2.1 and should not be used at all. WordPress still has minimal legacy support for these, but I highly suggest contacting your theme/plugin author if user levels are being used.

By default, the levels aren’t shown. They still exist, but are tucked away behind the scenes. While not recommended, if you need to control who has what level (levels are just capabilities), add this to your plugin or your theme’s functions.php:

add_filter( 'members_remove_old_levels', '__return_false' );

Registering capabilities

If you’re a plugin developer with custom capabilities, beginning with version 2.0.0 of Members, you can register your capabilities with Members. Essentially, this allows users to see your capabilities in a nicely-formatted, human-readable form (e.g., Publish Posts instead of publish_posts). This also means that it can be translated so that it’s easier to understand for users who do not read English.

add_action( 'members_register_caps', 'th_register_caps' ); 
function th_register_caps() { 
  members_register_cap( 'your_cap_name', array( 
    'label' => __( 'Your Capability Label', 'example-textdomain' ), 
    'group' => 'example' )

The group argument is not required, but will allow you to assign the capability to a cap group.

Registering cap groups

Members groups capabilities so that users can more easily find them when editing roles. If your plugin has multiple capabilities, you should consider creating a custom cap group.

add_action( 'members_register_cap_groups', 'th_register_cap_groups' ); 
function th_register_cap_groups() {     
  members_register_cap_group( 'your_group_name', array(
    'label' => __( 'Your Group Label', 'example-textdomain' ),
    'caps' => array(),
    'icon' => 'dashicons-admin-generic',
    'priority' => 10 )

The arguments for the array are:

  • label – An internationalized text label for your group.
  • caps – An array of initial capabilities to add to your group.
  • icon – The name of one of core WP’s dashicons or a custom class (would need to be styled by your plugin in this case).
  • priority – The priority of your group compared to other groups. 10 is the default.

Note that custom post types are automatically registered as groups with Members. So, if you want to do something custom with that, you simply need to unregister the group before registering your own.

members_unregister_cap_group( "type-{$post_type}" );